Saturday, January 23, 2016

Homecoming Memories

I've been hunting through some old boxes, came across my daughter's Homecoming mums from Jr Hi and High School...
If you don't know what a Homecoming Mum is... you probably don't live in Texas.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Turkish Drop Spindle and wool I brought back from Scotland

I haven't done much spinning lately... this is what happens when you don't practice.
Turkish drop spindle.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

7 January, 2016


Wow, this is a tough one, I am in a dwindling family now... my mom is about to turn 91, my dad has been gone since I was 14, all of my grandparents were gone, either before I was born or by the time I was 16. Siblings are either far away or passed on, or distant... and my daughter and her son are 6 hours away, so it's just my son and I, and brief visits to Mom... she's not doing well right now... and what we can keep up with on the internet...
This is my interpretation of family...

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

6 January, 2016

Well, there is nothing around my house that is clean...

so here is my photo...

 It's of my kitchen, which is semi-clean, but I love my canisters. They sit upon this little wooden shelf, with the cookie jar and mundane things like coffee and coffee filters...

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

5 January, 2015

We do have white... lots and lots of white around. But you have to be quick about taking pictures of snow, it melts quickly here, and it usually is very trampled at my house, I have a 13 year old boy at home and a couple of dogs... so they make a mess of the pristine snow... But today, my picture isn't going to be of snow, though I might throw in one of the doggies... but this is what I thought about...
This is an old glass bowl that had a floral arrangement years and years ago... I am in love with it.
For Christmas, I always keep ornaments in it, so I have been looking at it for nearly a month now, loving it every day...
That is important, isn't it? having something during the holidays that you absolutely love? I love the shape and the design, and that it is white, so clean and crisp no matter what the season...

Monday, January 4, 2016

4 January, 2015

Today's photo prompt is 'Colorful'
This time of year, not much is very colorful around my house, and I'm sick, won't go out... so, here is the most colorful thing around!
This is my bead mat today, I've been working on this bracelet, trying to step out of the box so to speak, it isn't quite what I expected, but it is colorful!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

3 January, 2015

This is the photo of the first piece of jewelry of the new year.
For the Year of Jewelry Project, my introductory necklace. It is composed of a Bellflower made by Lea Avroch, a Cellini tube 'bead' I made from delica, 11/0 seed beads, 6/0 and 3mm glass drops. The 'chain' is made from Crystals, glass, resin beads. My next picture

Saturday, January 2, 2016

2 January, 2016

Today's prompt is Bokeh, which is described by Wikipedia dictionary as:
    In photography, bokeh (Originally /ˈboʊkɛ/, /ˈboʊkeɪ/ BOH-kay — also sometimes pronounced as /ˈboʊkə/ BOH-kə, Japanese: [boke]) is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out-of-focus parts of an image produced by a lens. Bokeh has been defined as "the way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light".

So I did the obligatory photo of the Christmas tree, which is kind of cool... but there are so many other things that I could photo...
Then I did this while taking a photo of a necklace...

like this light, that isn't really a light... but I like the way the color makes it stand out

 But my favorite is from a couple of years ago, that is kind of crazy...
I didn't mean to do this with the lights... but... sometimes the little oops... becomes something kind of nice.

Friday, January 1, 2016

1 January, 2016

Yeah... not much of celebrating in this photo... unless you are a bird? We've had crazy cold weather, and a ton of snow, which has nearly all melted,  so I put out seed mixed with suet and some old dried out tortillas, and this is what happened!

2016 in Photos

I'm jumping in this year with another project... this time, it is taking photos. I've just committed myself to the Photo A Day Challenge... which makes me need to be committed?

This past year, I participated in the Year of Jewelry Project... making a piece of jewelry once a week, sticking to the weekly theme... problem is, not in making the jewelry, but in taking the pictures of the jewelry. Soo... I'm tackling one problem with another?


In my crazy world, making myself stick to a project will most likely hone my skills and... hopefully keep e on a schedule of making time each day to do something I love... Take photos.

The list of prompts will be great and I'm sure that it will help me out thinking out of my normal comfort zone... and I suppose that it will give me inspiration on those days that I am not really feeling a photo?

1. Celebrate
2. Bokeh
3. New
4. Colorful
5. White
6. Clean
7. Family
8. Underneath
9. Dull
10. Printed
11. Fuzzy
12. Warm
13. Black
14. Patterned
15. Selfie
16. I Feel
17. Happy
18. Work
19. From a Low Angle
20. Out My Window
21. Currently Reading
22. A Dream
23. Friend
24. Fine Details
25. Bright
26. Reflection
27. Distant
28. Up Close
29. Backlight
30. Evening
31. On My Mind

Join in the fun at The Idea Room  for the list of prompts for January and for the "rules" of the challenge... there really aren't 'rules' but there are some guidelines.
If you miss a day or so, it's ok... just start posting again.
You don't need a blog to join... you can use the hashtag and the word idearoom (#idearoom)on your social media (twiter, instagram, facebook) to allow other people that are following along can see your work... and you  can tag the creator of this challenge, Amy Huntley,  @theidearoom.

I choose to create a new blog, since I am planning on doing a lot of photos... I don't want to lose any of my friends on facebook, and I don't do twitter a lot.. no instagram... so... here is my work!